sri lanka


Sri Lanka spinner Maheesh Theekshana has expressed his frustration with the challenging schedule that his team faces in the ongoing World Cup. Sri Lanka and the Netherlands are the only teams playing their four group stage matches in four different venues, adding to the logistical hurdles and fatigue. This article delves into the details of the grueling schedule and its impact on the Sri Lankan team.

Sri Lanka’s Challenging Schedule

Four Matches, Four Venues

Sri Lanka’s World Cup journey has been anything but smooth, with their first four matches scheduled at four different venues. This constant movement has created significant logistical challenges for the team. Unlike some other teams that benefit from playing multiple games at the same venue, Sri Lanka’s players have had to adapt to new conditions constantly.

Comparative Analysis with Other Teams

For instance, South Africa and India enjoy the advantage of playing several games in the same city, which allows them to familiarize themselves with the pitch and weather conditions. This contrast highlights the imbalance in the scheduling that has put Sri Lanka at a disadvantage.

Travel and Accommodation Issues

Long Distances Between Hotels and Venues

One of the major issues faced by the Sri Lankan team has been the long distances between their hotels and match venues. The team’s hotel in New York, for instance, was an hour and 40 minutes away from the stadium where they played their opening match against South Africa.

New York Accommodation Woes

The distance between the hotel and the venue forced the team to wake up at 5 a.m. on match days, which undoubtedly affects the players’ rest and preparation.

Delayed Flights and Airport Waiting

Adding to the woes are the delayed flights and long hours spent at airports. Theekshana mentioned a particularly harrowing experience when they had to wait eight hours at the airport in Miami. Such delays are mentally and physically draining, impacting the team’s overall performance.

Impact on Team Performance

Fatigue and Canceled Training Sessions

The exhausting travel schedule has led to canceled training sessions. The distance from the hotel to the practice venue meant that the team often chose rest over practice to conserve energy for the matches.

Early Morning Wake-Ups

Frequent early morning wake-ups have been another challenge. On match days, the team often has to wake up around 5 a.m. to reach the venue on time. This disrupts their sleep patterns and affects their on-field performance.

Travel Days and Mental Fatigue

The constant need to pack up and move to the next city right after a match adds to the mental fatigue. The stress of ensuring nothing is left behind while moving quickly between venues weighs heavily on the players.

Theekshana’s Perspective

Comments on Unfair Treatment

Theekshana has been vocal about the unfair treatment meted out to his team. He pointed out that some teams have the luxury of staying in one place with shorter travel times to the venue, which gives them an edge in terms of rest and preparation.

Struggles with Adapting to New Conditions

Playing in different venues also means dealing with varied pitch conditions. Theekshana lamented that this constant change makes it hard for the team to get a good read on the conditions, affecting their performance.

Captain Wanindu Hasaranga’s View

Not Using Schedule as an Excuse

Captain Wanindu Hasaranga, while acknowledging the tough conditions, refrained from using the schedule as an excuse for their performance. He emphasized the importance of adapting and focusing on the game despite the challenges.

Acknowledging the Tough Conditions

However, he did admit that the travel and logistics have been particularly tough on the team, impacting their overall preparation and mental state.

Future Considerations for WC Scheduling

Need for More Consistent Venues

Looking ahead, it is crucial for the World Cup organizers to consider more consistent venue allocations. Allowing teams to play multiple games at the same venue could help reduce travel fatigue and create a more level playing field.

Importance of Fair Play Conditions

Ensuring fair play conditions is essential for the integrity of the tournament. All teams should have equal opportunities to rest and prepare, without any undue advantage given to some teams over others.


The challenging World Cup schedule for Sri Lanka has undoubtedly added to their struggles on the field. From long travel times and early wake-ups to canceled training sessions, the team has faced numerous hurdles. While they strive to perform their best despite these challenges, it is clear that a more balanced and fair schedule would benefit all teams in future tournaments.


  1. Why is the World Cup schedule considered unfair for Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka has to play their first four matches at four different venues, requiring extensive travel and affecting their preparation and rest.

  2. How have the travel issues impacted Sri Lanka’s performance? The long distances between hotels and venues, coupled with delayed flights, have led to fatigue and canceled training sessions, impacting their overall performance.

  3. What are Theekshana’s main complaints about the schedule? Theekshana highlighted the unfair treatment of having to travel frequently and the difficulty in adapting to different pitch conditions at each venue.

  4. How has the captain, Wanindu Hasaranga, responded to the schedule challenges? Hasaranga acknowledged the tough conditions but refrained from using them as an excuse for poor performance, emphasizing the need to adapt.

  5. What changes are suggested for future World Cup schedules? Future schedules should aim for more consistent venue allocations to reduce travel fatigue and ensure fair play conditions for all teams.

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